(this is not the correct amount of dates-- that's just no ones damn business)
So I met a man, and upon reading the above statement as the closing of a recent email, it's dawned on me that he's more than a little like I am.
I'm pretty sure we somehow almost immediately went from "going on dates" to "kind of dating". I'm actually entirely certain as it involved detailed discussion, debate, and eventually nothing resembling resolve. No, that's an untrue statement: There was debate as to this being a good idea, clarification that good idea or not, it seems to be the case, and no correction of that statement in the morning. And as my 6 year old is not home and he is a bachelor who enjoys low-key, we are spending Christmas day together because eh-- it's Christmas, why not?
And that is how a neurotic woman goes from bad first dates and frequent declarations of "never ever ever ever going on a fucking date again" to multiple good dates with the same person and some level of involvement that isn't concerning enough that there is even a status option for it on any Internet social networking sites, but is concerning enough that I need both a good solid blog about it and a serious nap.
Spazzy Christmas, from my neurosis to yours.