In the course of the last 24 hours, several interesting things have happened. The best is that my nanny's fiance cleaned my kitchen. The worst is that she was here because I decided instead of doing something very important for school that I was going to go to a party. But, there is gray area in between (let me pause here to mention how annoyed I am that my spellcheck does not recognize the spelling of gray as correct when I spell it grey even though it is a perfectly acceptable alternative spelling. And now, how annoyed I am that my spellcheck does not recognize the word 'spellcheck' as valid. Moving on...), various hues and shades that are deserving of note. I can say many things about my life, but among them, 'uninteresting' will never be uttered. Because in the course of the day, the following things have been true:
-I allowed someone to cut a bit of my hair with a box cutter (and honestly, sort of encouraged my hair to be cut with said box cutter). It was a kind of rusty box cutter at that.
-I learned that if my Cosmic Internet Soul-mate (who is also my real life friend, April) and I are hanging out in person, if she drinks enough wine I seem to become drunk. The second I am not talking to her anymore, I resume a normal voice tone and fewer things seem to be the most hysterical thing I have ever seen, heard, said or done than previous. Then I, like, walk to the hall outside the bathroom and she's standing there and I suddenly trip over my own boot and cackle maniacally about it. And at some point, we both begin referring to one another's blogs both as "our blog". Then, more cackling.
I could try to figure this out, but as long as I don't have to get her hangover I think I'm just going to enjoy the ride.
-I bought a Christmas tree as a Christmas present. I wish less of my friends had trees, it would make holiday shopping so much easier and more gratifying.
-You know that Walk Of Shame kit I always wanted from Too Faced? And then it got discontinued and I was all whiny about it? I got one. Best early holiday gift ever.
-I still have 3 pots in my shower. I can explain. I mean I won't, but I totally could if I wanted to.
-No matter where I go and no matter how long he has lived in a different state, there's always going to be some drunk dude that's like "Hey, you're Amanda right? I know your brother Frank!" Um, his name is Huck, but that's totally cool drunk dude. I know him too.
-I've changed my outfit 4 times in one day. Not, like, "I tried on a few outfits today" but "I genuinely felt there were 4 different occasions that required the wearing of different outfits today".
- If I'm not getting a crush on a gay guy, I'm getting a crush on a guy that's wayyy out of my league. Tonight would be no exception. The best part? I'm like "We should do something" and he's like "Yeah, call me". This man has never given me his number. The tasteful response? "Yeah, totally!", hint taken without creating awkwardness . My response? "Oh, I don't have your number. Mine's on facebook! You can get it there!" and then walking off making the hold your hand like a phone gesture and mouthing "Call me" and wiggling my eyebrows.
OK, so I didn't really do that last part. But I may as well have. "Get my number off facebook!"... dork.
- So when I was told by more than one medical professional not to wear heels or my sprain was going to get bad all over again? True story. Who knew.
-An added bonus: My daughter came into the kitchen a few seconds ago and said "Mommy, let's cuddle and look at the tree. And at 2 in the morning, that's just what I'm going to do. She'll probably be asleep again by time we make it to the sofa 8 steps away, but I could use a couple of quiet minutes, and I appreciate that she suggested it more than I can say. Happy Thanxmas to all, and to all a good night.
(and if any creeper calls my number from off of facebook, so help me I will call you all hours of the day or night and blow a whistle into your ear. Really-- have you not seen the above? I am exactly that much of a dork.)