I may have outright danced into class this morning-- and what I mean by "may have danced into class" is "totally danced into class". It was They Might Be Giants, and I'm the only woman I know who can dance to a song about James K. Polk, but it is what it is and by time I realized what I had done, it was too late. I was standing in front of the classroom with my hands in my hair, hips flung to one side, and I froze for a moment, horrified.
Here I should clarify, this isn't a unique experience, I wasn't about to die of humiliation because I couldn't believe I would be so totally engrossed in my own little word that I was making a total fool of myself and disrespecting an entire classroom (mind you, I was 10 minutes late-- I'm always 10 minutes late). No, no, nothing like that. As I froze, the thought that ran through my head wasn't "Oh no, please say I didn't", but "Jesus fuck, Nanda-- you have to stop doing this!"
I have danced into stores. I have danced directly into actual people. I one time danced into the middle of the street in front of a school bus (nothing was hurt except my nerves, and they've never really been in primo condition to begin with). And still, my Zen is full of playlist titled "Dance It Off: My Breakup Brushoff Songs", "Nanda's Hoochy Dance Mix #7" and"Superhappy Dance In Public Songs (December) ". No, these aren't funny little names I made up to get my point across for this entry... the sad truth is, I was listening to the Dance In Public mix when I happened to dance into class, freeze and think "You have to stop doing this!". If only there had been some clue...
Luckily, with finals happening and this one pending for Thursday it seems that I was the only person standing in the classroom. Clearly this was something discussed in the first 9 minutes of the last class, when I was just gyrating out of my house into the snow towards school.
On a totally unrelated side note, something brand new has happened to me recently: I got a "Good luck on your finals" from someone at the end of an email. I was kind of startled, this is something I have never heard before and rather liked. I think more people should wish luck on finals. That said, I should probably dance out to smoke a cigarette, I would like to actually show up for the next of the above mentioned finals on time. I may moonwalk in, and according to the syllabus, there will in fact be people there to see it this time.