Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things I Have Learned About Myself This Week

1)I can't make zucchini bread.

I really can though, actually. I'm all about it, I can do it with my eyes closed, I know how much of this and that I like and when the air is drier or moister and the oil or flour needs to take that into consideration or there needs to be a few tablespoons of pudding instead of actual vanilla extract... so it's not that I can't make zucchini bread really. It's that I can't bake zucchini bread that comes out successfully, ever.

Great texture and flavor? Yes.

Burnt crusts? Every last fucking time.

2) I don't care how much time you give me, I'm not going to start on my final project until 2 nights before it's due.

No, really. Always. Did I get a weekly study guide broken down into 4 perfect little painless sections, about 20 minutes of work a night? Did I care?

Yes and no. Now I've got 3 days to do about 5 hours of work, which isn't so bad. But the last 3 days, when about 14 hours of work was done? Well, that was a little more bad.

3) I can be such an asshole.

Even if my boyfriend and I don't care about people hitting on me or me flirting with people or having crushes (a girl has to get her banter somewhere, and my boyfriend is a scientist-- he doesn't want to bother, and I don't have the energy to try and force him to), there's a 3rd party here that ought be considered. Sometimes, the guy in my aloof thoughtless flirting web is just an innocent bystander who has recently had their heart broken and people feel the need to remind me to 'be careful with that'. To which I say I have a boyfriend, I'm not trying to start anything with anyone at all, duh. To which well meaning person will peer at me point blank and say "Exactly".


4) I'm now one of those girls that overdoes it lifting at the gym because she was still feeling pumped when she should have hit her cardio for a while.

Seriously. My arms are still fucking killing me, but I was feeling it-- I couldn't quit!

I have a problem.