1) My healthiest relationships are always, without fail, with my exes.
I don't know why, it's just one of those things. I want to date all of my best friends so we can break up and be even closer. I realize this may not be a reasonable statement, but neither is "My healthiest relationships are always, without fail, with my exes". Sometimes, reasonable has nothing to do with it, not with this girl.
2) I'm one of those girls that just shouldn't look up pictures of her boyfriends ex wife.
I'm prettier, sure. And I'm almost definitely nicer. But, the lady has a better body. I mean, it's double mine, I'm not denying that... but it's just a better all around shape. And there's no reason I should have needed to know that. There's also no reason Facebook ought to think we should be friends. I sleep on what was probably her side of the bed. We don't need to share anything else.
3) Actually, I write a pretty fucking good paper the night before class.
And I guess I kind of already knew that... but it's nice to reaffirm.