At the aforementioned special event, I completely for got to mention the awesomeness. On our way out, I saw my dreamy academic adviser having lunch with another professor from my school. He looked extra 90's power-pop, I think his hair may have been parted even MORE in the middle than usual.
"Why hello, Dr. Pearl Jam (that's what I call him in my mind). How nice seeing you here. Oh, and what is that smell... Cool Water?"
"Close, CK one. I notice you're here instead of in class, much like myself."
"Why yes, Dr. Pearl Jam, I am. Here we stand, not student and professor, but man and woman."
"So it seems. I also notice, outside of the educational environment as we seem to find outselves... you're beautiful."
Yup, that's exactly how it went. That's the conversation.
The one I had in my brain while I shuffled out quickly with my child born out of wedlock, a picture of my boyfriend on the front of my phone, and the knowledge that I'm clearly much older than this professor filed away in my mind.
Yup, that's exactly just how it went.