*"I have never once felt the need to take my laptop to a fucking Panera."
-Random mid day text from the boyfriend
*Ooohhh.... Tidy Cat commercial.
-Spoken very seriously by my 6 year old when peeking at Youtube
* "Order me some Ben Wa balls? So my Ben Wa will be Ben Wow."
-Me, to a friend at a sex novelties party
*"They call it being crazy. We call it being literal."
- Said to me by that same friend, whilst discussing breakups (and more specifically, how a man wanting to divide everything equally in a breakup is begging for a woman to cut the comforters and books cleanly in half)
There are more-- lots more. But it's already 2:00 AM, and I'm certain there will be nothing to giggle about when I'm passing out in a Psych class because I was up all night hitting the blog too hard.