... has her very own ideas about marriage.
"When Courtney gets married, she's going to look like a princess. When I get married, I think I'm going to marry a girl because girls are pretty. "
And while a couple of my conservative friends have always been concerned that My daughter has a perfectly healthy understanding of some girls having girlfriends and some having boyfriends and have always been weary of how close she is to some of my lesbian friends, my own concern suddenly lays not in the fact that we are a gay friendly household, but in the fact that of my lesbian friends... I've clearly let her get closer to some of the too shallow ones.
Really sweetie? You just want to marry someone because they're pretty? I know I raised you better than that.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Maid Of Honors Daughter, However...
6 year olds,
Flower Girl,
Gay Friendly Families,
Trophey Wives