Thursday, March 27, 2008

A few things about today.

1) Krispie Kreme donuts are delicious and soft when microwaved for 8 seconds.

Ohhhhh, 'seconds'. At any rate, by a mer 2 minutes they have already begun to smoke and char to alert you to the mistake...a safety measure that interestingly enough is not boasted on the side of the box.

2) It's entirely possible for me to lose a passive aggressive argument via g-chat. Had you told me this yesterday, I wouldn't believe you. It seems the trick is to say something really sweet, about 3 minutes after you know I've already signed out.

3) Three year olds don't give a shit how sick you are when they want scrambled eggs, crosanka soup and hot cocoa for dinner.

4) Is it seeeeriously snowing on March 27th? Where is the global warming I was promised?

5) So I get into a debate with a friend of mine (this conversation took place on the computer--though was not the above stated fight). The 'argument', was based on my thinking that we are created only by our responses to the way we are seen, and he that we create ourselves by becoming who we pretend to be. I mean, that wasn't it, but it was in that vein. It was interesting and based on a Jenny Lewis line and a Carey Grant quote--People like us deserve just what we get being friends with each other.

So I stayed up for half an hour last night mulling over a few points I forgot to make, finding painful parallels to in my own life as a teenager as examples, as I drifted off trying to formulate an email detailing these wounds of my youth as they pertained to the exact point I was trying to make.

Which I did in the morning, perhaps a bit wordily, but I thought effectively. Lost argument number two came in RE: form... one dismissing little sentence...

"You think too much."

Hm. Fair enough.

6) I've been watching this ABC family show called "Greek" which is something between the 'Gilmore Girls' and 'The OC' (both of which are perfectly clever, and don't judge know you watch 'American Idol' when no one is looking, we are all of us sinners).

Now, to be clear, I wouldn't trade anything I've done in my life for any reason. No other way was going to put me here with my daughter as the person and mother I am today.

None the less, this show has helped me to realize something, just this morning as a matter of fact...if I HAD done things differently, and say, gone to college at the right age, I would have been the best sorority girl.

And now, the world will never know.

And now, one more thing about today...

7) I've clearly completely wasted it.

Well, there's always tomorrow. Which is, I think, a new episode of Greeks for that matter. God bless us, every one.